Enoch Kever Appellate Team News

The upcoming year will be a busy one for Enoch Kever’s appellate attorneys. Mike Truesdale has taken the reins as the Chair of the Texas State Bar Civil Appellate Section for 2017-18 and Marla Broaddus is serving as Co-Chair of the Texas State Bar Civil Appellate Section’s On-Line Committee.  Melissa Lorber and Shelby O’Brien have begun serving as Secretary/Treasurer and Council Memberrespectively, for the Austin Bar Association Civil Appellate Section. Additionally, Shelby has been elected to serve on the Travis County Women Lawyers’ Association Board of Directors as Co-Chair of Events. Both Melissa and Shelby are scheduled to present at the Texas Bar Civil Appellate Seminar in September 2017 and Amy Saberian will be presenting at the Litigation Update Institute in January 2018.